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Economic Development Business Articles
Below are web links to just some of the many award-winning business articles written by Lisa Bastian for Area Development magazine, America's leading economic development journal with over 42,000 subscribers.
Lisa has served as a Senior Editor / Contributing Writer for over 25 years, creating content for its website and magazine as well as for client brochures marketing cities, states and nations. Typically each "long-form" article is 1,500 to 2,800 words in length, and involves extensive research into the topic and finding the right experts to interview, if needed.
Lisa has won a few prestigious writing awards for articles and brochures created for the magazine or its economic development clients. All this experience has only enhanced her skills used to do research, interview experts, and write quality content for other clients as well.
Relatedly, Lisa also served as Editor of the magazine's "Front Line" business blog, producing over 100 news posts (15 per week). To view 14 samples, click here.
Q&A Interview with American Crane's Karen Northeim (see pgs. 14-15)
Quebec City Is at Forefront of Life Sciences Discoveries
Québec City is renowned among Canadian metros for its multifaceted life sciences community.
Case Study: 4 Reasons for Economic Success in America's Fastest-Growing City
Last June, the U.S. Census Bureau identified Frisco, Texas, as the number-one fastest-growing community in America among cities of 100,000 or more. In 2009 Forbes.com named the city as one of the top 10 places to relocate. Why have people and companies flocked to Frisco?
Canada's Olympic Games Deliver Sustainability
The 2010 Winter Olympics in British Columbia will strongly focus on sustainability.
Regional Report: Southwest Region Adding Emerging Technology
The Southwest States are holding their own in this roller-coaster economy.
Michigan: Life Sciences and Technology Elevating Auto-Devastated Economy
The auto downturn notwithstanding, Michigan continues to attract investment from multiple sectors.
Frontline: The New Economy, Crowdfunding for Civic Projects
For a small but growing number of locales, “crowdfunding” is part of the solution for funding economic development projects.
Louisiana: Traditional and Knowledge-Based Industries Offer a Secure Future
Louisiana has seen lower unemployment and higher job growth than the South and U.S. as a whole.
Regional Report: South Atlantic States Thriving In Recession Rebound
The South is staying financially fit with investments and innovations in logistics, automotives, energy, biotech, and renewables.
The Rebirth of the "MG" in America
A new version of a famed English sports car will be built in Oklahoma for a Chinese automaker.
If necessity is the mother of invention, the COVID-19 crisis is driving cooperative innovation by companies, government entities, and healthcare .
Biotech / Life Sciences
Trends in the life sciences, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment sectors.
Regional Report: The South's Automotives, Alternative Energy Sectors Ready to Grow